Summer has arrived, and so have our park meet-ups!
Join us for our Annual General Meeting on 21st June
ME/CFS and Fibromyalgia Awareness Day/week!
ONLINE TALK: Gut Microbes as Cause and Treatment of ME/CFS
Oktoberfest 2023!
#SpeakUp: The Results 📢
ONLINE TALK: Microclots with Prof Resia Pretorius & Dr Caroline Dalton
Sheffield Youth Wellbeing Fair
ONLINE TALK+Q&A: DecodeME with Prof Chris Ponting & AGM
The art's about to start!
Long Covid Q&A from Gez Medinger
💙📢 SpeakUp: The Big Launch! 📢💜
💙Summer Magazine & Disability Pride Month!💜
💙 PICNIC IN THE PARK: Norfolk Heritage Park 💜
#MillionsMissing 2022: Our Common Thread
ONLINE TALK with Dr Charles Shepherd: Making the new NICE guideline work for people with ME
Have you heard of our Long Covid meet-ups?
Our charity is turning 20!
Have your say on the NICE draft guideline on Long Covid