Do you dream of a job that makes a REAL difference? Join our team as a Benefits Advisor, Comms Officer & Admin Worker!
We're excited to have vacancies for 3 new members of our hybrid team based at The Circle (Sheffield) in benefits, comms and admin. We are seeking: a welfare benefits advisor to boost our benefits team, providing advice and support primarily on PIP and ESA; a Comms Officer for 8 hours per week to develop our promotional material and effective ways of reaching members and non-members through email, website, and social media; and an admin worker to assist the team, manage our membership registrations, and be the first point of contact for inquiries. Read more about the jobs below...
1. Welfare Benefits Advisor
Hours: 24 hours/week (fewer may be considered)
Salary: £23,838 pro rata
Start date: as soon as possible
We're looking for someone with excellent casework and advice skills to support our members. You will be able to give advice and guidance, and have a thorough knowledge of disability welfare benefits and support.
For more information see the job description and person specification
To apply: Send your CV and a supporting statement that addresses the person specification (max 2 sides of A4) to
Deadline: 2nd October 2023
NB. Please note we are actively interviewing for this post and may remove the advert before the final deadline should we select an ideal candidate prior to the advertised date.
2. Comms Officer
Hours: 8 hours/week
Salary: £25471 pro rata
Start date: as soon as possible
Are you great at messaging and up to date with the latest communication tools and trends? We're looking for someone who can improve our current channels and help us explore new ones. This role is temporary, so we're looking for someone who can leave a legacy of digital content and easy to follow promotional tasks.
For more information see the job description and person specification
To apply: Send your CV and a supporting statement that addresses the person specification (max 2 sides of A4) to
Deadline: 2nd October 2023
NB. Please note we are actively interviewing for this post and may remove the advert before the final deadline should we select an ideal candidate prior to the advertised date.
3. Admin worker
Hours: 12 hours/week
Salary: £22,000 pro rata
Start date: as soon as possible
We are looking for someone empathetic and organised to administrate our memberships, help our members on the phone and email, and to manage calendars/other administration.
For more information see the job description and person specification
To apply: Send your CV and a supporting statement that addresses the person specification (max 2 sides of A4) to
Deadline: 2nd October 2023
NB. Please note we are actively interviewing for this post and may remove the advert before the final deadline should we select an ideal candidate prior to the advertised date.
Don't hesitate to contact us if you wish to have a chat about any of these roles. We may have some flexibility on hours or location. /0114 2536700